

Scholarship for ANU COVID-19 Extending in 2023

Scholarship for ANU COVID-19 Extending in 2023

This Extension Scholarship is designed to give current domestic or international HDR candidates who are 3 to 3.5 years into their program (full-time equivalent) and receiving an HDR stipend scholarship funded by ANU (AGRTP, URS, ANU PhD or other equivalent ANU funded stipend) financial support so they can continue their research after a period of extreme disruption to their program and research due to COVID-19 restrictions or impacts.

Scholarship for ANU COVID-19 Extending in 2023

The impact on field work, experimentation, and data gathering that cannot be mitigated or where alternative activities cannot continue while limits to campus access and travel continue can be used to illustrate extreme disruption.Scholarship for ANU COVID-19 Extending in 2023  Extreme disruption would not necessitate moving events off campus where they have previously been permitted to continue. 

Candidates and their supervisors need to have been consulting frequently and developing plans to lessen the effects of COVID-19 on their research. It may have been necessary to alter the research plan in order to advance toward finishing the thesis in 3.5 years (or equivalent for MPhil). 

Please think about using the current leave provisions in your scholarship (such medical/leave) carer's if your caring obligations have increased as a result of times when you've had to live away from campus before submitting the COVID-19 Extension Scholarship application. Please review your scholarship's Conditions of Award for additional information regarding any applicable paid leave provisions, keeping in mind that the AGRTP and URS stipend scholarships allow for paid leaves of up to 60 days for reasons related to health or 

Caregiving obligations for which leave may be requested by completing the Apply for leave eForm using ISIS MMD-HDR

Australian National University information (ANU) 

In Canberra, the capital of Australia, there is a top-ranked institution called ANU. Our geographic position is a reflection of our distinctive history, connections to the Australian government, and unique status as a resource for Australians. Our commitment to quality in research and education guarantees that our graduates are in demand all over the world and well-equipped to tackle challenging modern issues. 

Goal and Advantages of Postgraduate Fellowship 

Payment amount and frequency: fortnightly payments at the AGRTP Stipend amount in effect. 

Duration is limited to a maximum of six months (full-time) and a maximum of 12 months (part-time). Candidates may submit applications for the maximum duration; however, the ultimate permission may only be for a shorter period. Every candidate's situation will be evaluated individually. 

Rights to Unpaid Leave 

12 months of personal unpaid leave maximum. 

Paid-Time Off Rights 

20 working days of vacation every year (pro rata) 

10 working days of annual medical leave (pro rata) 

Foreign students are eligible for the Dependent Child Allowance. 

$3000 annually for each child. No more than $9,000 annually. 

Qualification Standards for Postgraduate Scholarships 

Long-term HDR Candidates who, at the time they apply for this scholarship, are between three and five years (FTE) into their candidacy 

Both domestic and foreign applicants are eligible. 

Also read more scholarship

Candidates may apply on a part-time or full-time basis. 

Candidates must have experienced severe program disruptions as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic. 

have used their yearly milestones tohighlight the disturbance and its effects. 

must be a recipient of an ANU-funded stipend scholarship (AGRTP, URS, ANU, Other equivalent stipend scholarship) 

This scholarship extension is only meant to increase a candidate's scholarship assistance period to a maximum of four years in length. 

Application deadline is January 1, 2022. 

The candidate's primary supervisor, delegated authority, and associate dean HDR must all endorse the application.  (or equivalent delegate). 

The award recipient must continue to be enrolled in the ANU HDR program of study for which the award is intended. 

How to Use 

Are you capable and interested? To apply, visit Australian National University (ANU). 

You can submit an application for this extension scholarship while you are between the ages of 3 and 3.5. (1.5 - 2 years for MPhil). Please click the "Apply Now" button to obtain a copy of the application form and submit it in order to be considered for this Award. 

You must provide evidence of the major effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on your research, such as limitations on travel, fieldwork, experimentation, data collecting, lab closures, campus closures, and restricted access to resources. A revised research project outline and timetable for completion within the present program's deadline are required. 

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